Divine Companionship - Itfs Closer Than You Think

Authentic spiritual practice penetrates all aspects of who we are, fertilizing, growing, and blossoming within all of our life structures. This means we donft have to put on a happy face and cheery voice, thinking that if we deny our sadness, disappointments, confusion, and challenges by affirming their non-existence they will disappear. Spiritual maturity doesnft draw a column dividing what we consider our gspiritualh qualities from the gunspiritual.h When we are spiritually mature we integrate the whole package, realizing that it holds insights for us about the areas in which we are called to expand and grow.


I am the living, conscious condition for Godfs ideas to express! My willingness paves the way for great and mighty miracles in my life! The healing power within me restores my body and renews my mind! I am a point of circulation, re-gifting God qualities everywhere I go! A theme of grace and ease runs through my life! In all things I am grateful!? So be it! Amen!

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