From Anticipation To Full Participation

When everywhere you look you see the work of Spirit taking place, praise spontaneously bursts out from your heart. Even your very breath becomes a prayer of inhaling divine energy and exhaling gratitude for your precious human incarnation. Life is seen as beautiful, even those things one wouldn’t normally consider as being so. Our sensitivity to the Spirit’s presence increases and we see its activity everywhere, in everything and everyone. We are filled with more joy, more peace, creativity, wisdom—all the inherent qualities of our soul.


The great God of the universe is my constant companion!

Heaven breaks out all over my life!

I am backed by an economy of love, beauty, joy and creativity!

A field of intelligence inspires my thoughts, words and actions!

A perfect pattern of wholeness sources my body temple!

I am lifted! I am gifted! I rise in God!

So be it! Amen!

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