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What fruits are you harvesting in your life?? Do you harvest peace, love, compassion, abundance?? Do you find yourself with an abundance of things to be grateful for?? Your answers to these types of questions are a genuine method for understanding whether you have matured spiritually or whether you are still grappling with circumstances.? The spiritually mature donft wait for circumstances to change before they allow themselves to be happy.? Rather they choose to see the beauty and the perfection in life as it is and give great thanks for it now.
The Power of Creativity works through me in elegant ways! It expresses in all my activities! My life is my canvas; I cover it with acts of kindness, beauty and generosity! I am a progressive, innovative and inspiring presence on this planet! The Spirit of Revelation is my call and my constant companion! I am grateful to discover and deliver my true God nature! And so it is! Amen!
I would like to volunteer working with the youth, I feel like I have so much wisdom to give.
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