Your Adventure into the New Frontier

Love is the ultimate authentic religion. When we taste its flavour and feel its embrace, we are in the realm of mystical lovers. In her writings, the Catholic mystic Hildegard of Bingen describes such states of consciousness as gThe soul is kissed by God in its innermost regions.h These innermost regions are the heart and soul of which are entered through our spiritual practices of meditation and affirmative prayer. As the master teacher Jesus the Christ taught his own disciples, it is in the solitude of the soul that we commune with the Beloved.


My high focus and deep resolve activate Godfs vision for my life! The gifts of divinity are mine!? Freely given and fully received! True abundance flows from the well of my God consciousness! My body temple is a perfect idea backed by unlimited and potent potential! I live, move and have my beingness in a field of gratitude and appreciation! God is!? And so it is!? Amen!

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