Your Hidden Resources: Itfs Time for the Great Reveal.

Our true nature can never be handcuffed, imprisoned, pirated, hacked, held hostage, nor destroyed.? In the reality of this now moment, freedom is living, breathing, loving, and expressing within, through, and as your spirit-soul.? This spiritual principle is evidenced through the lives of those who related to themselves as being free amidst the loss of outer independence?persons like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Victor Frankel, Rosa Parks.? They, along with others who have shared how their inner spirit of freedom sustained them, are for us the examples of the changeless reality of being.


My life is lived to the glory of the living God! The fire of my heartfs desire burns away all fear, doubt and worry! Joyfully I outgrow any issues and expand into my true greatness! A consciousness of gratitude and sheer appreciation carries me on its wings! I sizzle with the soulful sauce of transformation! This is my life on God!? And so it is! Amen!

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