Your Threshold of Transformation

Awareness remains with us throughout our incarnation. Patiently it waits for us to mature into wanting to know who we are, why we were born, and what we're going to do about it. As we seek answers to these perennial questions, pain pushes us until we catch a vision for our life that pulls us. Then, as we spiritually deepen, we take more self-responsibility, we become more centered, attentive, mindful, awake and aware. Agape-Meditative-Thought-April-14


God has infused greatness in me! I let it shine! My high intentions govern my attitudes and my actions! The perfect idea of abundance bursts into expression as me! Resolving to evolve I watch all problems dissolve! A live of beauty, health and wholeness flow from my oneness with God! Grateful to be me I set myself free! So be it! Amen! Agape-Affirmation-April-14

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