Prayer is touching Reality without seeking to get anything.

Michael B. Beckwith

In The Power of Prayer 6-week online course led by Rev. Carlton Teabout and a powerhouse team of teachers – Michael B. Beckwith, Akili Beckwith, Rev. Deborah L. Johnson, Rev. Suzi Lula, Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell, Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova and Rev. Victoria Thomas – you will be guided in Agape’s unique prayer technology, The Six-Step Affirmative Prayer process, and discover how and why this process works and develop an understanding and working knowledge of the key elements of prayer.


In a world erupting with change, do you feel heard?

Do you have something you can anchor into amidst the tides of transformation that empowers and sustains your sense of Self?

On the simplest and deepest levels, we all want to know that we are heard, felt, and seen.

The one constant is change, yes. And wouldn’t it be comforting to know that despite all that unfurls and unfolds around you, that you are still held, covered, protected, safe?

The truth is you can know this. You can live this. You can breathe this. You can experience this through The Power of Prayer.

As Rev. Michael teaches, prayer is the foundation of spiritual practice. In its simplest form and expression, prayer awakens your awareness of your Oneness with the Divine. It is the direct channel and line of communication that extends from you to the Heart-Mind of Spirit, of the Presence of the Living God.


Prayer is the first wireless form of communication.

Michael B. Beckwith


Prayer is an experience.


Prayer swings wide open the doors of opportunity. Prayer activates healing. Prayer minimizes feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and soothes uncertainty.

More than anything, prayer restores you to a rightful awareness and understanding of who you are and your relationship to God. Prayer anchors the absolute truth of what IS!

Once you are fully aware of your relationship to Source, the Universe opens in ways beyond your imagination. That is the beauty of prayer. That is the mystery of prayer. That is the love of prayer. That is the joy of prayer. That is the peace of prayer.

That is The Power of Prayer.


In this course you will:

  • Establish a love affair with prayer
  • Transform your ideas about prayer. Prayer is not begging or beseeching a reluctant deity to give you something. Prayer is aligning oneself with what already is> and anchoring absolute Truth through spiritual principle and law
  • Develop an understanding and working knowledge of these three key elements of prayer: the foundation of the Agape Six-Step Affirmative Prayer Process framework, the feeling that fuels it, and the principle that makes it so
  • Find your unique prayer voice
  • Learn to pray in an empowering way


You also will learn from a different guest master teacher each week who will bring their consciousness and knowledge of spiritual practice and prayer, including:

Week 1

Gratitude with Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell

Learn how evoking a feeling-tone of gratitude opens the doors to your heart.

Week 2

Recognition with Akili Beckwith, ALSP

Evoke and explore the Presence of God in all of Its splendor.

Week 3

Unification with Rev. Victoria Thomas

Explore an ever-deepening awareness of our oneness with God and all creation.

Week 4

Realization with Rev. Deborah L. Johnson

Learn to name and claim dynamic universal principles that heal by revealing the perfection of the Truth.

Week 5

Thanksgiving with Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova

Celebrate and give thanks that this Truth revealed itself through the word, give thanks for the realization

Week 6

Release with Rev. Suzi Lula

Understanding that the word was spoken into a law…letting go, letting God and letting it be…understanding it’s already done…


Required Books for this Course:

- Prayer by Ernest Holmes
- The Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard

Class starts Tuesday March 22, 2022, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific Time, and ends April 26, 2022.

If you are unable to participate in the live online class, you will receive the class recordings to watch at a date and time convenient to you.

Email Rev. Carlton Teabout, Mgr., Agape University, [email protected] for questions.


Whether you are new to prayer or have an established prayer practice, this course will support you in deepening your relationship to the Divine through prayer.

Register today and learn to pray the Agape way!


Your Instructors:


Rev. Carlton Teabout became a member of the Agape International Spiritual Center 20 years ago. Immersing himself in the study of the teachings of New Thought/Ageless Wisdom, he became an Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner in 2006 and a graduate of the Michael B. Beckwith School of ministry in the fall of 2020. He is currently an Assistant Staff Minister at Agape International Spiritual Center and Manager of Agape University. Rev. Carlton’s call to service is through teaching. He served as a class facilitator for 10 years for the Practitioners Studies Program and is now lead instructor. He has a passion for supporting those who seek to deepen their connection to God through the teachings of New Thought/Ageless Wisdom, and is actively teaching and creating ways for like-minded people to connect, create, and celebrate life. Most recently, Rev. Carlton created and facilitates a monthly meditation community, 21 Day 21 Minutes, an intentional morning meditation practice.

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community based in Los  Angeles comprised of thousands of local members and global live streamers. Highly regarded for its cultural, racial, and spiritual diversity and inclusivity, the late  Coretta Scott King wrote to Dr. Beckwith, “I greatly admire what you are doing to  bring about the Beloved Community, which is certainly what my dear husband  worked for and ultimately gave his life.” Widely recognized for his teachings on the  science of inner transformation and unity, Dr. Beckwith embraces a practical  approach to spirituality utilizing meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life VisioningTM, a spiritual technology he developed for conscious evolution, authentic living, and  living your life purpose. These practices teach us to take the experience of inner peace and awakened awareness into our everyday lives. Dr. Beckwith is a sought-after meditation teacher, conference speaker, and seminar leader on the Life Visioning Process. 

He’s addressed audiences at the  UN General Assembly during its annual World Interfaith Harmony Week, TEDx  Maui, and Oprah Winfrey Network’s (OWN) SuperSoul Sessions, among  numerous others. As co-founder and president of the Association for Global New  Thought, he hosts conferences featuring harbingers of world peace including His  Holiness the Dalai Lama, and had the distinguished honor of presenting to Nelson  Mandela the Gandhi King Award. 

Three of his books—Life Visioning, Spiritual Liberation, and TranscenDance  Expanded—have received the prestigious Nautilus Award. His app, Beckwith  Inspires, features essential spiritual tools, technologies, and practices to help shift  perceptions and transform lives. Dr. Beckwith has appeared on OWN’s SuperSoul  Sunday and Help Desk; Dr. Oz; CNN, The Oprah Show; Larry King Live; Tavis  Smiley; and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. He is a member of  Oprah’s esteemed inaugural SuperSoul 100. For more information visit: 

Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell is a 2020 graduate in the inaugural class of the Michael B. Beckwith School of Ministry. As a staff member of Agape International Spiritual Center, Rev. Jason manages Agape’s prayer ministry and supports the Practitioner Core. In addition to these roles, he serves as the director for Agape’s Sacred Service Ministry. For over nine years, Rev. Jason has facilitated Our Daily Prayer Call, a morning devotional call where people from around the world gather in prayer, affirming Truth. His utmost desire is for all of humanity awaken to the Truth of our divinity and master walking this journey as Love incarnate.

Akili Beckwith, ALSP is a long time student and teacher of Ageless Truth Principles. An Agape Practitioner for more than 25 years, he was recently recognized as a Master Practitioner. He has taught classes at Agape University on Meditation and Self-Mastery and is an avid student and facilitator of A Course in Miracles spiritual study groups in the Los Angeles area. Akili loves to travel, meet new people, and experience different cultures and spiritual traditions.  He leads pilgrimages to various parts of the world, including Kemet (known today as Egypt), Peru, and parts of West Africa.  His embodiment of the Spiritual Truth Principles has endeared him to many students, clients, and others.  He is a man who has never met a stranger because he sees the Divine Presence in all.

Rev. Victoria Thomas is an ordained Agape International Minister and faculty member at Agape University and the Spiritual Director of the Agape East Spiritual Center in Coastal VA. She is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Ho’Oponopono practitioner, sound healer, inspirational speaker, writer, and spiritual counselor.  Rev. Victoria inspires and empowers through her workshops and classes. She speaks powerfully on a variety of topics such as self-care, addiction and recovery, the shamanic initiation and vocation, conscious parenting, spiritual healing, forgiveness, affirmative prayer, and science and spirituality. 

Rev. Deborah L. Johnson is the founding minister and president of Inner Light Ministries, an Omnifaith outreach ministry dedicated to teaching the practical application of Universal Spiritual Principles to all of life’s circumstances.  She is also the founder and president of The Motivational Institute, an organizational development consulting firm specializing in cultural diversity serving the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Her clients range from Fortune 500 companies to community-based organizations. She is a dynamic public speaker, known for her ability to bring clarity to complex and emotionally-charged issues. A life-long social justice activist, Rev. Deborah is the successful co-litigant in two landmark cases in California, one set the precedent for the inclusion of sexual orientation in the state’s Civil Rights Bill and the other defeated the challenge to legalizing domestic partnerships.  A voice for compassion, equality, and reconciliation, her primary focus has been on coalition building, conflict resolution, public policy development, and cultural sensitivity awareness. Her groundbreaking work has been featured in numerous books, magazines, radio, and television programs.  She is the author of The Sacred Yes and Your Deepest Intent of the Letters from the Infinite series, as well as Living the Sacred Yes: Affirmations for Action 

Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova has been an impactful spiritual figure in the U.S. and internationally.  She is a woman of passionate power who is committed to assisting individuals in living awakened lives, and has been dubbed the “mind chiropractor” and the master teacher of intentional living.  She is also the author of the transformational book, The Technology of Intention,  Kim boldly shares that one of her greatest joys and honors is to be a licensed practitioner at the Agape International Spiritual Center, and she has been awarded the titles of Master Practitioner and Master Teacher at the Agape University.  Kim is a facilitator of Rev. Michael’s The Answer is You program,  Spiritual Liberation, and the lead teacher of Rev. Michael’s work at the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. Additionally, Kim is the founder of World As One, a non-profit organization committed to bringing peace principles to children all over the world. 

Rev. Suzi Lula is a premier wisdom teacher in the field of Spiritual Psychology.  She is a much-sought after Spiritual Therapist, speaker, and the best-selling author of The Motherhood Evolution: How Thriving Mothers Raise Thriving Children.  Suzi has over 20 years of experience and a thriving full-time private practice with a popular library of transformational online self study courses ( She is an expert in the field of human transformation and has a deep understanding of the nature of spiritual and therapeutic growth to effect profound inner healing. She is known for her compassionate heart and sensitivity.