From A Conspiracy of Mediocrity to A Divine Conspiracy

No energetic for change is more potent than that which begins from the inside out because it is the interior life that activates the law of intentionality. Onefs intentions reveal the true desire of the heart. The good news is that those desires that do not serve us in our growth towards enlightenment may be discarded for those which do. As co-creators with the Spirit, we may redirect energy that does not support mindfulness of the Self. It takes a willingness to shift our cherished habits, beliefs, opinions and projections. Yet the moment you catch that the highest desire of your true heart is to live in attunement with the Divine, you unleash its energetic of Grace, easing the way to your ascent in consciousness.


I am available to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet! The universal law of cosmic good is always working in my life! The idea that God planted in my soul is emerging with grace and ease! I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what! Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence! These words of affirmation are grounded in truth and founded in gratitude! And so it is! Amen!

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