Divine Companionship - Itfs Closer Than You Think

The same universe that summoned Jesus and Buddha to wake up also calls your name, my name.? Our destiny is no less than theirs.? The universe has summoned you to quit playing around with the toys of this world and to begin playing with your great destiny as an awakened being.? This means each one of us has to give up the little story about who we're not and what we don't have.? And from that consciousness you will begin to develop what is called "personal success," which means that you are stabilizing your life structures.


I am a fully franchised expression of the all good God! The resurrecting power of prayer lifts me above all limitations! A field of sacred fellowship supports all of my relationships! I am fully sourced by the richness of my soul and the opulence of my being! My foundation is strong!? My potential is activated! My blessings are assured! And in all things I am grateful!? And so it is!? Amen!

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