Effluence--Affluence--Influence: The Circle of Life Energy
In the Bible the word gfatherh appears 1,484 times. As a father filling what is considered the worldfs gmost powerful position,h President Obamafs statement that being a father to Sasha and Malia is the most important job he has underscores the profound, sacred responsibility and loving heart-set of fathering. Spiritual fathering goes beyond its biological definition to include those who provide, protect, coach, teach, mentor, inspire through example?to name a few. Perhaps no one said it more perfectly as did Jesus in John 15:9: gAs the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.h? I invite all those in the role of fathering to contemplate his words.
The powerful, paternal presence of God supports and inspires me! The sacred presence of Spirit expresses in through and as me! New ideas flow through me! Insights unfold within me! My relations form around the power of my loving heart! The source and substance of my supply is limitless! God is great and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
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