For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

What a treasure is a true friend, and how profound is a friendfs influence upon our life.? Far beyond the devolved definition of gfriendh on Facebook, soul-friendship evolves through a sacred union of hearts, cultivated perhaps over lifetimes. This I know from direct experience:? Because there is no distance between souls, even when a friend has transitioned to his or her new dimension of living, the bond remains unbroken and eternal.? In fact, when the time is ripe, the magnetism of friendship once again attracts one soul to the other, whether one of them reincarnated across the world or down the block. Such friends want nothing from one another except the joy of their shared presence, sweetened with the recognition that they have been drawn together for the evolution of their souls.


Out of the Isness of God flows the allness of my life! My gifts of divinity are stirred into right action right now! All of my relationships are encoded with love and infused with joy! I am the perfect conduit for infinite possibilities to express! God is the instant and constant presence of abundance in my life! Willingly, joyfully, gratefully, I let it be!? And so it is!? Amen!

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