Frequent Your Highest Frequency

According to Eastern teachings, we donft get new wisdom, new joy, new prosperity or even new enlightenment. Rather, it is about our waking up to the awakened state of being that has been within us from the get-go. Yet there we go informing a friend that, gI just got this insight from Spirit thatch, when the truth is it is only now that we have awakened to what is and always has been awaiting our intuitive recognition and acceptance. There is no sudden gimplanth within us. Who and what we are has been present in our spirit-soul even before our parents were born. July-28-mt


I am an overflowing fountain of God consciousness! Sacred qualities and gifts of the Spirit express as me fully! Vim, vigor and spiritual vitality renew and restore my body temple! My gratitude awakens and activates greater and greater good in my life! Right seeing and divine Being! That is my destiny! And so be it! Amen! July-28-a      

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