From Worldly Diagnosis To Spiritual Prognosis

When you begin to catch the vision of your spiritual identity as the great I Am Presence, then life and more life will be the order of the day for you. The absolute truth about your essential being is that you are spiritually made in the image and likeness of God. What this means about you, when properly contemplated and realized, is that the larger part of you has never been hurt, harmed or endangered in any way at any time.? Neither external nor internal experiences diminish the Essence of your being.? Time cannot snuff it out, space cannot engulf it neither in this moment, on this day, or into eternity.  



I am an emanation from God bringing heaven to earth! An ever increasing awareness of gratitude opens my eyes and multiplies my good! I walk in the no complaint zone of God consciousness! Love is the common thread weaving my life together! The high vibration of perfect wholeness renews my body temple! This is the real me!? And so I let it be!? Amen!



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