Greatness = Purpose And Mission Beyond Convenience - Prepare For Magnificence!

Each one of us has a unique pattern for evolving our spiritual passion and power as we co-create life with our Source. All aspects of our being play their essential part physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We may ascend the evolutionary spiral by tapping into the vital healing forces that sustain and support us.


Today I lift my vibration, expand my horizons and set myself free! God is the unfailing, unlimited source of my supply! I believe and I receive! I am a global citizen anchoring peace and oneness everywhere I go! Revelations of health and wholeness vitalize my body temple! My authentic aliveness inspires me to claim my true identity! I am a descended master here to reveal heaven on earth! Gratefully I give my gifts and live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!

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