Heartfelt Celebration?Your Mandate For Real Living

Every time we express love, every time we give up resentments and animosity, every time we forgive, every time we serve others, every time we share our resources, every time we put others first, we walk the path of the spiritual revolutionary. We donft have to gget our act togetherh to become a beneficial presence on the planet. We come just as we are. Take your stand as a spiritual revolutionary and participate in the revolution of values as you cultivate a heart of love as wide as the world.  


I am perfect, whole and complete. God is within me and I am one with everyone. I am the divine image God intended me to be. I am renewed by untying the ties that hold me back. I am open to forgive. I walk in the likeness of God. I am content in knowing that I am necessary. God sparks my creative thinking and God is me. I deserve only God in my life. I am free. And so it is. Amen.

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