In The Beginning: You Get To Choose
There are many risks you will be invited to take in life, and the greatest of them can be the giving and receiving of Love. This is the choice made by true lovers: Trust Love, and you will see Spirit in all the obvious and disguised forms through which it comes to you. Trust Love, and expect radical changes in your innermost being.
Through their inner spiritual practices, the mystical lovers across all times and spiritual traditions arrived at the realization of “We Are,” at the realization that it is Spirit who is loving them through all forms of human love. Drop your shyness, self-consciousness, any sense of unworthiness and call Spirit your very own, and know that you are its very own beloved. Live, love, and have your being in full acceptance of its imperishable Love for you.
Spiritual insights guide my path and light my way!
Holy encounters of the Divine ground my life in peace!
Omnipresent with God’ all of my needs are met!
Unified in Spirit I am one with all and all with the One!
Transcending my personal mind, I soar to my greatest yet to be!
I am a shout out from the mind and heart of God!
Gratefully I let it be. So be it! Amen!
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