Now That You Know You Have It All?What Will You Do?
It takes a lot of courage to look into the cosmic mirror. We are so big that it is overwhelming to take in, to imagine our true greatness, true beauty, and true enlightened beingness. The great universe in which we live provides constant feedback about our evolutionary process if we choose to look, listen and stop making excuses for postponing our awakening.
My life is lived in ecstatic union with the Divine! I am inspired by creative ideas spinning from the mind of God! The organizing principle of this universe handles the details of my life with grace and ease! My heart is an open door, giving and receiving love! God creates in perfect patterns and I reveal them in body, mind and Spirit! Life affirming thoughts and mind-expanding insights light my way every day! Gratitude flows like a mighty river through my soul! And so it is! And so I let it be! Amen!
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