Originality Must Be Your Causality
During these challenging times when our world family is facing and responding with positive activism in many forms to bring about social, cultural, educational and governmental change, we must trust that the Great Law of Life governing the universe will prevail. The wheels of divine justice may grind more slowly than we prefer, but they grind surely! So as we walk together in the days and months to come, let us continue to take a stand for change grounded in principle, and to trust the results according to Spirit’s
divine right timing. May trust and peace rule in our hearts.
My life is lived in touch with the Spirit of the living God!
Divine abundance moves in perfect circulation as my life!
I live in the problem free zone of the eternal now!
The joy of being and the gift of right seeing are my everyday experience!
I have everything I need to set myself free!
Gratefully I let it be! So be it! Amen!
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