Originality Must Be Your Causality

In a world where old religious models are giving way to authentic spirituality, we have before us a blessed opportunity to redefine and revitalize the vision for our lives where our spiritual and social contracts are concerned. We have the opportunity to begin afresh with ourselves and in our relationships with others and our world. When we say, “Next week I’ll begin my spiritual practice,” or any other of our intensions, basically we are saying it probably won’t happen at all. That is the power of postponement. When We Say, “Today I am beginning to know my essence as love itself. Today I open my awareness and meet myself face-to-face,” this is the power of being in the now moment.


With complete abandonment I fly into the realm of pure Spirit!

Therefore, my moment-to-moment living is a prayer in action!

My life burns with the fire and passion of divine love and perfect peace!

I am awake to the dynamic power of Spirit as my life!

As a divine center in the mind of God, I am divinely supplied and permanently prospered!

I live and breathe the substance of well-being and the ecstasy of gratitude!

And So It Is! Now and Forever! Amen!

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