Originality Must Be Your Causality

Reeling. Barely coping. Mourning. Taking a stand. These are just some of the more printable comments I’m receiving from countless individuals about the times our world is currently facing. And I am no exception to standing in what is unchartered territory, in not knowing what’s next.  But there is one thing I absolutely do know:  Spirit is now and ever shall be in charge. Now, in the precise moment you are reading these words, I invite you to also know that with me; to know that while the current appearance is wayward, the way forward is about trustingly walking hand-in-hand with Spirit. 


My life is lived to the glory of the living God!

The fire of my hearts desire burns away all fear, doubt and worry!

Joyfully I outgrow any issues and expand into my true greatness!

A consciousness of gratitude and sheer appreciation carries me on its wings!

I sizzle with the soulful sauce of transformation!

This is my life on God! And so it is! Amen!

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