Simply Begin
What fruits are you harvesting in your life? Do you harvest peace, love, compassion, abundance? Do you find yourself with an abundance of things to be grateful for? Your answers to these types of questions are a genuine method for understanding whether you have matured spiritually or whether you are still grappling with circumstances. The spiritually mature don’t wait for circumstances to change before they allow themselves to be happy. Rather they choose to see the beauty and the perfection in life as it is and give great thanks for it now.
God is the essence, the activity and the love of my life!
Useful and creative patterns are awakened in my willing mind!
Abundance, peace and joy are God’s will and my way!
Health, wholeness and healing are expressed as my body temple right now!
My life reflects the light of God and reveals heaven on earth!
The spirit of gratitude generates blessings in my living and my giving!
Joyfully I live these words of truth!
And so it is! Amen!
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