Soulful Success: Robbery, Limitation & Hindrance Not Included
As we enter the portal of the New Year, let us hold sacred our soul’s romance with the Infinite, which makes possible every delight we know in our life. What is vitally important in our personal spiritual practice is that we become mindful that the fulfillment of our intentions is already contained within the fabric of who and what we are spiritually. How sweet that we have been given that capacity. The main point is that we use it!
My life is lived in full participation with the Infinite!
All my relationships match the high vibration of unconditional love!
Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness!
Perfect health is my conversation, my affirmation and my demonstration!
I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me!
Vision, infinite potential and unlimited possibilities are the fuels that drive my life!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
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