The Power of Permission

On the Fall equinox, the sun rests above the equator, welcoming the harvest time. It is a time when we, too, are called to harvest and celebrate the abundance of our lifefs blessings. The day and night are equal in length, offering us lessons in the harmonic balance of body, mind, and spirit. I invite you to savor this season. My prayer is that you reap the richest harvest of love, peace, joy, creativity, transformation and remembrance of your inherent opulence of being.


I am a great unstoppable being here on a mission from God! The gifts of creativity are stirred into activity within me! Seeds of love grow in my heart and flower in my relationships! Power, bliss and abundance! Right here! Right now! As me! I am here to change the world for the better! Come on God! Use me! Lifted in the power of gratitude I let it be. And so it is! Amen!

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