The Presence Has No Favorites Except For You

Today let us remember that prosperity is a mental / spiritual state of being that knows that all needs are met in an abundant manner.  This state of awareness carries a liberating vibration of being, rather than a limiting vibration of possessing.  It recognizes that abundance, wealth, plentitude, is of the spiritual realm and is freely given and must be freely accepted.  When accepted, the manifestation of "our daily bread" has the tendency to reveal itself with more ease.


Gods will for my life releases me and sets me free!

I am a grounding point for miraculous energy to express!

My life is an adventure in Spiritual growth and unfoldment!

I am filled to overflowing with the good of God!

High thoughts of health and beauty manifest as my body temple!

Gratitude and appreciation light my path and show the way!

And so it is! Amen!

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