The View From the Top

Enthusiasm is our passport from the surface to depths of awakened consciousness. Consider the etymology of the Greek word en + Theos, which means “inspired or possessed by God.” When we are overtaken by an awareness of this Great Something that breathes our breath, walks through our feet, loves through our heart, communes with Itself in our soul, how can we not enthusiastically, passionately be on fire to enter the holy of holies and taste the ecstasies of awakened consciousness?


Love is streaming live through every area of my life!

The dynamic potential within me manifests as all needs met!

I am free to be all that God created me to be.

Vim, vigor and vitality are the fuel I run on! I am super charged!

I am giddy with gratitude and glad surprise!

It is done! It is so! So be it! Amen! 

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