The Way of Wonder
The seed of Agape love was encrypted into each of our hearts the moment Spirit breathed its presence into us. It is to our individual and collective benefit to continuously evolve in our spiritual practices so that year after year we become more mature lovers, so that we no longer withhold our love based on whether or not others share the same ethical standards, political affiliations, cultural mores, sexual identities, religious beliefs and so on. As our capacity to love expands, we discover something very profound: no one or no thing has the power to prevent us from loving.
I am the presence of God in plain view; whole, complete and perfect! The sound of cosmic goodness sings its song as me! Peace and harmony are shot from eternity and caught in my receptivity! Revelations of health and wholeness vitalize my body temple! I thrive on my high conversations of praise and thanksgiving! Today I bow my head to my heart and set myself free! And so it is!?? Amen!
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