To See, To Be, To Live in Serenity
When time of spiritual dryness fall upon you, when prayer or meditation seems beyond your reach, remember that the Spirit does not exclude a personal, intimate relationship with the Ineffable. Turn to that which is closer than the closest, nearer than the nearest, more loving than all things loved. You will be overwhelmed by the grace of God.
Although the Godhead is beyond that which can be described, it rushes into your
experience as an intimate handmaiden to your transformation.
Empowered by the love of God, I walk as a beneficial presence on this planet!
My inner guidance lifts me above any fear, doubt or worry!
Buoyant, boundless energy restores my body, mind and soul!
God is the one source and the constant resource of my life!
I am an ambassador of the unseen making abundance available on this planet!
All praise and glory is to God! So be it! Amen!
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