True Revolutionaries of Love: It's Our Moment
The question is not about becoming, the question is about revealing. When we concentrate our energy on having to become, we miss the revelation of who and what we already are. A revelation of our true nature pours over us a rain of grace, blessing, benediction—the crown of which is a humility born of unspeakable gratitude for having glimpsed the immensity of our Being. The mind can receive insights, but it cannot reveal our true Essence. It is in the quietude of contacting the soul and communing with Spirit that revelation graces us.
Today I lift my vibration, expand my horizons and set myself free!
Love, Inspiration and Beauty are my way, my means and my life!
I am a global citizen anchoring peace and oneness everywhere I go!
Uplifting and paradigm shifting insights transform my body and my mind!
I had a Revelation! I am Unlearned! Unlimited! And Unafraid!
God’s glory! That’s my story! Gratefully I let it be!
And so it is! Amen!
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