With All Thy Getting, Get Understanding and Inner-standing

I want you to wake up today! If you believe that you will be complete after you find the right relationship, the better job, the bigger house, that hotter investment, the accomplishment of a particular goal, you are asleep in the human dream of maya, which is the sleep of human delusion. Any such fulfillment is only temporary. The quest of looking for wholeness outside of yourself is not the way it works. It’s an inside job!


God is the omni activity of my life!
I sit in trust, I stand in truth and I rise in wholeness!
All the good of God comes forth from the center of my being!
Love is my life’s work and I embrace it fully!
My body temple takes on the shape of spiritual beauty and absolute wholeness!
I am an ambassador for peace and a world that works for everyone!
I believe, I receive and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!

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