Your Destiny Transcends Density

Breaking through the illusion that we are anything less than our true nature is what our inner work is fundamentally about. It is what we declare in our affirmative prayer work and contact directly in deep states of meditation. As co-creators of our lives, each of us is a spiritual artist whose depth of artistry depends upon our attunement with the Master Artist, our Creator Source. And that attunement is based on our soul-craft of spiritual practice. But this takes more than mere lip service or intention setting. It takes what I call the discipline of SYBD—an acronym for “Sit Your Butt Down.”


I am an indispensable being of boundless potential! Dynamic by

New horizons of infinite possibility greet me everyday!

Habits of health and wholeness support my body and my mind!

The beauty of my soul is activated and expresses right now!

Today I embrace the brilliance, the bounty and the joy of my life!

In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen

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