Your Triumphant Spirit—It’s Initiation Time!
The seed of Agape love was encrypted into each of our hearts the moment Spirit breathed its presence into us. It is to our individual and collective benefit to consciously evolve in our spiritual practices so that year after year we become more mature lovers, so that we no longer withhold our love based on whether or not others share the same ethical standards, political affiliations, cultural mores, sexual identities, religious beliefs and so on. As our capacity to love expands, we discover something very profound: no one or no thing has the power to prevent us from loving.
I am resolute in the absolute presence of God as my life!
All of the solutions to all of my challenges are already within me!
My beliefs and points of view shine the light of wisdom and compassion!
The evolutionary impulse that governs the universe propels the vision of my life!
Prosperity, health and right relations are my divine birthright fully expressed!
My life is a song of praise and thanksgiving! So be it! Amen!
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