How many of us are still living life on the layaway plan, holding back in letting our light brightly shine through our gifts, talents, skills and soul qualities? Religious dogma often causes us to misunderstand our true nature so we play small, believing we were born in goriginal sinh and must now be redeemed before we can earn heaven in the afterlife. Heaven is not a location; it is a state of consciousness available to us right here, right now! The real question is, are we ready to accept it?
I am created in the image and likeness of God! Whole, complete and perfect! The rhythm of joy and right action takes over my life! I live in divine guidance and let God show the way! My Gratitude and generosity prime the pump of my prosperity! My life is living decree of infinite possibility! All praise and glory is to God!? So be it! Amen!
Are you free enough to allow the new into your consciousness or are you still living from the past conditioning that tells you what you must do in order to live in safety and security? Not reacting from the past, not reacting out of fear of the future, we learn to respond to Life just as it is. We learn the power of being in the now moment filled with self-trust, with confidence in the fundamental Goodness of the Spirit. Freedom comes from awareness, awareness comes from meditation - they are interdependent.
My whole life is a celebration of love, inspiration and transformation! Revelations of wholeness and visions of truth light my path and show the way! I am gifted beyond measure and lifted beyond limits! Today I embrace the possibility of my own greatness and live it fully! Doubts dissolve, fears flee and worries fade in the light of this awareness! I am an ambassador of good bringing blessings everywhere I go! God is great and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen
Awareness is our great ally on our journey to the Self within. It keeps us awake and present to the now moment so that we may respond from our authentic being and wisdom of the heart. We are able to break free of society's conditioning, from mindsets and behavior patterns that limit our capacity to relish and participate in life's ecstatic beauty
I live in the garden of God consciousness! Divine ideas emerge through my oneness with Spirit! Peace is anchored through my every thought, word and action! My body temple is a filament for divine light! Ever expanding good provides for me in everyday in every way! All praise and glory is to God! And so it is! Amen!
Awareness remains with us throughout our incarnation. Patiently it waits for us to mature into wanting to know who we are, why we were born, and what we're going to do about it. As we seek answers to these perennial questions, pain pushes us until we catch a vision for our life that pulls us. Then, as we spiritually deepen, we take more self-responsibility, we become more centered, attentive, mindful, awake and aware.
God has infused greatness in me! I let it shine! My high intentions govern my attitudes and my actions! The perfect idea of abundance bursts into expression as me! Resolving to evolve I watch all problems dissolve! A live of beauty, health and wholeness flow from my oneness with God! Grateful to be me I set myself free! So be it! Amen!
Spirit so loves to manifest that it placed its own Light at the center of your being. At your core, beyond the liming thought forms you have bought into, there is a divine blueprint, a spiritual integrity factor. Today, dare to come out of a materialization mode and enter into the manifestation consciousness that is your birthright. In this state of conscious awareness you will live each moment as an embodiment of the words of Jesus when he said, "Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Then the birds will carry food to your doorstep.
God lives in my heart and loves as my life! The vitalizing energy of pure Spirit renews my body temple! My life bears witness to the miraculous nature of God! I am abundantly grateful and gratefully abundant! The Christ consciousness is resurrected in me today! This is a good beginning! And so it is! Amen!