In The Beginning: You Get To Choose

There are many risks you will be invited to take in life, and the greatest of them can be the giving and receiving of Love. This is the choice made by true lovers: Trust Love, and you will see Spirit in all the obvious and disguised forms through which it comes to you. Trust Love, and expect radical changes in your innermost being.

Through their inner spiritual practices, the mystical lovers across all times and spiritual traditions arrived at the realization of “We Are,” at the realization that it is Spirit who is loving them through all forms of human love. Drop your shyness, self-consciousness, any sense of unworthiness and call Spirit your very own, and know that you are its very own beloved. Live, love, and have your being in full acceptance of its imperishable Love for you.

Spiritual insights guide my path and light my way!

Holy encounters of the Divine ground my life in peace!

Omnipresent with God’ all of my needs are met!

Unified in Spirit I am one with all and all with the One!

Transcending my personal mind, I soar to my greatest yet to be!

I am a shout out from the mind and heart of God!

Gratefully I let it be. So be it! Amen!

In The Beginning: You Get To Choose

Divine Love is the energy that birthed your being. It is the life force that beats your heart, walks through your feet, works through your hands, breathes through your breath, creates and expresses through you. Even in the darkest moments when you can’t feel Love anywhere within or around you, it is right where you are, holding you in its tender embrace, its grace. And just like Love, all the other qualities that are included in your birthright, no person, thing, or circumstance can
take from you.

My life is lived in ecstatic union with the Divine!

I am inspired by creative ideas spinning from the mind of God!

The organizing principle of this universe handles the details of my life with grace and ease!

My heart is an open door giving and receiving love!

God creates in perfect patterns and I reveal them in body, mind and Spirit!

Life affirming thoughts and mind-expanding insights light my way every day!

Gratitude flows like a mighty river through my soul!

And so it is! And so I let it be! Amen!

In The Beginning: You Get To Choose

From deep within your heart and soul right down to your bone marrow, you are a unique, individualized expression of Spirit whose purpose it is to come into full realization of this truth. In every moment that you become fully present to the Presence expressing as your Self, “I AM” becomes “We Are.” Any sense of separation from Source dissolves, leaving only We—as One. This is Spirit’s vow to you, its promise etched in forever which has been permanently tattooed upon your being and can never be removed.

I am a citizen of eternity here on a mission from God!

The Spirit within me moves me with ease and grace!

Love is my natural state of being; it shines through all I do!

My cells dance in celebration of perfect health and divine beauty!

I am a full participant in the abundant nature of the universe!

Everything in my life is an opportunity for more gratitude to express!

And that’s the way it is! So be it! Amen!

In The Beginning: You Get To Choose

My prayer for you, myself, and all beings in this New Year is that through the metaphysical telescope of consciousness we glimpse the reality of our being. Each of us is made out of Spirit’s matrix of consciousness, and our individual consciousness is the ground of our existence out of which the convictions of our hearts, values, insights, awakenings and actions emerge. As we embody this truth and put it into action, we empower ourselves and the collective consciousness to create a mansion of global friendship, interdependence, compassion, peace, creativity, and happiness. Never underestimate your vital contribution to this purest manifestation of the meaning of wealth.

I am resolute in the absolute presence of God as my life!

The gifts of divinity are mine! Freely given and fully received!

Vital, vibrant and radiant health express as my body, mind and soul!

True abundance flows from the well of my God consciousness!

Right relations are my divine birthright fully and joyfully expressed!

In deep gratitude and high appreciation, I let it be!

And so it is! Amen!

Don’t Be Shy – Let Your Light Shine!

Again and again may we ignite the light of Christ Consciousness within ourselves and shine it unconditionally upon all with whom we come in contact. Night and day may there be one supreme longing in our hearts: to go deeper and deeper into the ocean of Divine Love until it takes over our consciousness. Inclusive within this Love is all that is needed to bring about world peace, to end hunger, poverty, injustice, greed, and selfishness and create a world that honors the dignity of all sentient beings.

I am resolute in the absolute presence of God as my life!

All of the solutions to all of my challenges are already within me!

My beliefs and points of view shine the light of wisdom and compassion!

The evolutionary impulse that governs the universe propels the vision of my life!

Prosperity, health and right relations are my divine birthright fully expressed!

My life is a song of praise and thanksgiving! So be it! Amen!