From clothing, zip code, car make, sexual orientation, politics, cultural identity, to Spirit—we are a label-conscious society. Categorical labeling is what we use to simplify the complexities of life. In our branding-conscious, marketing driven society, it seems counterintuitive to simply experience “being” without putting a descriptive label—or even an emoji—on it. And yet when we live by labels, one label leads to another and together they soon become our collective societal reference points. The truth is, pure Is-ness has no label; therefore, as the essence of our limitless being, nor do we.
Just as a photographer must go into the darkroom to develop his photos, so must we enter the darkroom of our spiritual practices to develop our soul qualities. As Jesus instructed his followers, “When thou prayest, enter into thy closet…,” and we all know most closets are dark until we turn on the light. Our spiritual practices provide that divine illumination. In this cave of stillness you cultivate the qualities of Spirit that are etched upon your soul.
As we create the inner conditions for our freedom to be revealed to us, there will be an ongoing, recognizable maturity in our evolutionary process. This recognition is an uncovering of the ultimate Reality of life: You are now, always have been and always shall be free.
Freedom comes through a humble, grateful acceptance of our spiritual birthright of freedom right where we are, exactly as who we are. Freedom is not some future destination. It is here, now, whispering within that your essence is not the body, not the mind, that what you are is pure, awakened awareness.
Freedom is realizing that the purpose of our spiritual practice is far more than a psychological self-improvement project. This goes beyond mentally affirming our freedom to beginning to live from it, which causes us to develop, unfold, and evolve from the inside out, powered by our application of inner spiritual exploration..