When you begin to catch the vision of your spiritual identity as the great I Am Presence, then life and more life will be the order of the day for you. The absolute truth about your essential being is that you are spiritually made in the image and likeness of God. What this means about you, when properly contemplated and realized, is that the larger part of you has never been hurt, harmed or endangered in any way at any time. Neither external nor internal experiences diminish the Essence of your being. Time cannot snuff it out, space cannot engulf it neither in this moment, on this day, or into eternity.
My every activity is infused with the eternal presence of divine love!
A stream of infinite wisdom flows from the God Head to my open mind!
I am constantly lifting up to higher and higher dimensions of Being!
The goodness, the grandness, the graciousness of God is mine today!
My high conversations draw the best out of everyone I meet!
The sweet water of appreciation bathes everything I do!
And So It Is! Amen!
Today let us remember that prosperity is a mental / spiritual state of being that knows that all needs are met in an abundant manner. This state of awareness carries a liberating vibration of being, rather than a limiting vibration of possessing. It recognizes that abundance, wealth, plentitude, is of the spiritual realm and is freely given and must be freely accepted. When accepted, the manifestation of "our daily bread" has the tendency to reveal itself with more ease.
Gods will for my life releases me and sets me free!
I am a grounding point for miraculous energy to express!
My life is an adventure in Spiritual growth and unfoldment!
I am filled to overflowing with the good of God!
High thoughts of health and beauty manifest as my body temple!
Gratitude and appreciation light my path and show the way!
And so it is! Amen!
Most of us are certain that we have experienced some degree of love, be it with a life partner, our children, parents, siblings, friends, God, our spiritual teachers, animal companions. Although love itself is an invisible energy, it feels tangible when we feel it directed towards us and when we direct it towards others. This is love experienced as a noun, a “something” labeled love. The ultimate form of love, however, is a verb. It is a state of being love itself, the essence of our true nature.
The glory of the divine speaks itself into expression as me!
Only the thoughts of God have a place in my awareness!
The high vibration of willingness dissolves all resistance!
I am available for the plentitude of the universe to shine through me!
My actions reveal beauty, order, patience and balance!
Gratefully I embrace the Spirit within me and express it freely and fully!
So be it! Amen
When you open within yourself the secret temple of your soul, you will pass through the portal of matter and contact the living Spirit, communing with it as the very essence of your being. Then the walls of habits that hold back your evolutionary progress will crumble and you will find yourself face to face with yourself and the holy guests within your consciousness.
I am here to reflect and reveal cosmic consciousness!
The bounty of Spirit breaks forth through me as all needs met!
The soulful vibration of love invites whole relationships into my life!
My mind overflows with divine ideas and positive possibilities!
Wonder and awe, beauty and sacredness are the atmosphere of my Beingness!
Hanging out in a field of thanksgiving I continue where God left off!
And so it is! Amen!
Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual practice – on fire or lukewarm – take heart and begin again. Each sitting, each prayer is unique every single day. Take responsibility for creating enough variety and spontaneity in your communion with Spirit, the Divine Beloved of your soul, for just as in any relationship we treasure, this causes enthusiasm to rekindle and joy to bubble up in our consciousness. This is what I have learned through walking the path and I offer it to you with love and appreciation as a fellow spiritual traveler.
I live one on one at one with the only One, God!
Cosmic good is infused in everything I do and everything I am!
The infinite ooze of unlimited possibilities is the playground of my mind!
Releasing the lesser, I embrace the next great version of who and what I am!
Beyond limitations! Above conditions! I’m breaking free and Being me!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!