When we fully open the inner third eye of the soul, we actualize the words of Jesus the Christ when he said, “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” The Fire of Spirit will ignite our entire beingness and we will merge in holy union with the Christ Consciousness, just as Jesus did.
A grand vision of possibility is the blueprint for my life!
The infinite invisible presence of God fills my body, mind and soul!
I am an avenue of harmonizing prosperity, a blessing on the planet!
Open doors and open hearts greet me everywhere I go!
Today I set myself free and let the God times roll!
In all things I am grateful! And so be it! Amen!
We must be willing to put self-realization on the top of our “action” list. And then sit still in meditation, not leaving our seat when the mind runs its rackets of restlessness, boredom, ponders the thoughts of others, rehashes old story lines, or runs its many other rackets on us. The more we are willing to unconditionally stay put, a deep joy will arise, even when we least expect it.
I am held in the infinite embrace of God’s love!
My life is a freewill offering of all my gifts, talents and skills!
Health is the order of my day! Wholeness reigns supreme!
The song of abundance sings itself as me! All my needs are met!
Gratitude saturates all that I think do and say! So be it! Amen!
Although celebrating is not determined by the calendar, the New Year is an ideal time to remind ourselves that every single day offers us a new beginning, that each and every prayer and meditation session offers us a fresh, joyous view into our depths. In our inner Self there exists a continuity of light, of blissful song and dance, because we are made out of the energy called Celebration. That alone is reason to celebrate our existence, to dance in the Buddafield, in the Christfield of our essence. In other words, celebration is an expression of gratitude, a gratefulness for the gift of life.
The sacred presence of Spirit expresses in through and as me!
New ideas flow through me! Insights unfold within me!
My relationships form around the power of my loving heart!
The source and substance of my supply is limitless!
God is great and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
Again and again may we see the light of Christ Consciousness within ourselves and shine it unconditionally upon all with whom we come in contact. Night and day may there be one supreme longing in our hearts: to go deeper and deeper into the ocean of Divine Love until it is all that we know.
Gratefully I step into this New Year awake, aware and authentically me!
The love of God operates through my open, happy heart!
I am a master of divine substance creating wealth wherever I go!
Made in the image and likeness of God; I am whole, healthy and complete!
The conditions are perfect for the miracle of me to express!
My high resolve and clear intention make this the best year of my life!
So be it! Amen!
In celebration of this life, our greatest Christmas gift to one another, to all those whom we love and to all sentient beings is our prayer that the unconditional love which lived in the heart of Jesus may be birthed within us. Inclusive within unconditional love is all that is needed to bring about world peace, to end hunger and poverty, to end unkindness, greed, and selfishness.
I am a shining example of the power and presence of God!
My gratitude awakens greater and greater good in my life!
Love is the activity of my consciousness, the natural expression of my Being!
The body of my affairs reveals and reflects the order of the universe!
A vision of health and wholeness takes shape as my body temple!
Joyfully I live these words of truth! So be it! Amen!