I want you to wake up today! If you believe that you will be complete after you find the right relationship, the better job, the bigger house, that hotter investment, the accomplishment of a particular goal, you are asleep in the human dream of maya, which is the sleep of human delusion. Any such fulfillment is only temporary. The quest of looking for wholeness outside of yourself is not the way it works. It’s an inside job!
The presence of God expresses peace and joy all over my life!
I live in tune with the fundamental order of the universe!
My relationships reveal a joint participation in divine love!
The infinite good of Almighty God is my source and supply!
Excellence vibrates as every cell of my body temple!
All praise and glory is to God! And so it is! Amen!
The same universe that summoned Jesus and Buddha to wake up also calls your name, my name. Our destiny is no less than theirs. The universe has summoned you to quit playing around with the toys of this world and to begin playing with your great destiny as an awakened being. This means each one of us has to give up the little story about who we're not and what we don't have. And from that consciousness you will begin to develop what is called "personal success," which means that you are stabilizing your life structures.
My life is God’s life made visible!
Dynamic, harmonizing energy vitalizes my every activity!
The sacred song of peace sings through my soul!
Health, healing and wholeness are revealed through me right now!
My true nature is an expression of divine love!
God is my safety and protection, my guidance and direction!
Life is good and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
We have progressed enough spirituality and scientifically to understand the paradox that although we may have to serve the goal of peace for a long time, it can instantaneously occur when the field of collective consciousness is fertile enough.
I am guided, governed and gifted by the eternal presence of Spirit within me!
The high frequency of divine love resounds through all of my relationships!
Excellence is encoded on my soul and evident in my expression!
A consciousness of awe and wonder makes all things possible in my life!
Standing in trust I let God be God as me!
Gratefully I let it be! And So It Is! Amen!
The more you live, move and have your being in the awareness of who and what you really are, you will relate to your life & to all of life as a grand and glorious adventure in consciousness. You will dance in gratitude for each step in your soul-adventure. If youfre ready to put on your dancing shoes, contact your Ultimate Soul-Adventure Guide and see how sweetly you are welcome on the dancefloor of Life!
My every activity is infused with the eternal presence of divine love! A stream of infinite wisdom flows from the God Head to my open mind! I am constantly lifting up to higher and higher dimensions of Being! The goodness, the grandness, the graciousness of God is mine today! My high conversations draw the best out of everyone I meet! The sweet water of appreciation baths everything I do! And So It Is! Amen!
You have a soul-adventure that was implanted in your consciousness before you incarnated into this lifetime. Gently, and sometimes not so gently, it knocks at the door of your intuition attempting to get your attention, beckoning you to fulfill your soul-adventure in the three-dimensional world. It is through our spiritual practices that we intuitively catch Spiritfs vision of that adventure. Then, like a time release capsule, it begins to take effect.
I am available to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet! The universal law of cosmic good is always working in my life! The idea that God planted in my soul is emerging with grace and ease! I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what! Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence! These words of affirmation are grounded in truth and founded in gratitude! And so it is!? Amen!