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Rev. Dr. Coco Stewart, Instructor
October 21 - December 16, 2021, 6 pm to 8 pm PT
Mysticism is the practice of going beyond manifestation and form to that which is behind it, that which animates All That Is. Join Agape founding member, Rev. Dr. Coco Stewart, for an 8-week experiential course that will heighten, deepen, and expand your awareness of self, your purpose, and reveal more of your unique Spiritual signature!
Your Mystical Self
Right where you are, pause and take a deep breath. Slowly begin to scan everything and everyone around you. All of it, no matter the form and how it presents itself, is an extension of Source. Creator. Infinite Spirit. Love. God.
We see the effects of the Presence of God all around us.
Let’s get a bit more personal here.
Go look in the mirror. As you do, know that in back of you, in you, and all around you is the same hand, the same presence, the same Source. That Presence is within you and it’s all around you.
It is you.
You are the beloved and the lover. The creator and the created. The observer and the observed. The dancer and the dance. You are the part experiencing the whole and the whole experiencing the part.
This is the secret that the mystics hold deep. It’s a cherished wisdom that has spanned generations and inspired some of the greatest works of poetry, music, visual art, sculptures, and so much more. It is the foundation of New Thought/Ageless Wisdom teachings.
And it is through communion with the Presence – a deepening and curious inquiry into that which is in back of everything – that you experience mysticism and step into your mystical nature.
In Mystical Heart, Mystical Calling, Mystical You, Rev. Coco will guide you in aligning with your truest and purest nature – your I AM essence.
This highly experiential course will assist you in:
- Creating and living a life that reflects the idea of you that God knows and holds of you.
- Living, moving, and having your being as a mystic while studying and observing the planet’s most respected and beloved mystics.
- Understanding and appreciating the dark night of the soul while gleaning the gifts awaiting you there.
- Creating a life that is rich, abundant, deeply fulfilling, wise, creative, fun, and light despite what is going on in the world around you.
What Is Mysticism?
Mysticism is the practice of aligning with the powerful and limitless I AM presence within you. It’s the practice of activating your mystical identity, thus animating and activating your full Spiritual potential. A mystic, then, is one who communes with and is at one with the presence of God within.
A mystic is one who leads with curiosity, for it is there that he continues to see the world in possibility.
A mystic is one who lives life with great levity – she understands that being a mystic isn’t always serious; on the contrary, being a mystic brings heightened experiences of joy and bliss.
A mystic sees the treasure in walking through a dark night of the soul and embraces it with an open heart and mind.
A mystic is one who beholds the Presence of God in oneself and witnesses that Presence in all things.
A mystic dives into diverse teachings and practices, all of which reveals more of her truest nature to her.
This course is for you, if you:
- Are experiencing a desire and longing to be more
- Identify with and are inspired by revered mystics and teachers such as Michael Bernard Beckwith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Teresa of Avila, Khalil Gibran, and Paramahansa Yogananda
- Feel drawn to mystical living and teachings and want to demonstrate mysticism in your life
- Have reached a plateau in your spiritual journey and crave a deeper and heightened experience of your Divine Self
- Have completed the following required prerequisite classes at Agape University or an approved affiliate: The Activated Life: Unlock Your Spiritual Power, Meditation and the Evolving Consciousness 2.0, Prayer 1, Life Visioning Process
Mystical Heart, Mystical Calling, Mystical You starts Thursday, October 21, 2021, and ends Thursday, December 16, 2021, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT starting. Class will not meet on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 25, 2021. However if you are unable to join the live class, you can watch the class recordings.
As you deepen your practice, your practice will deepen you.
Mysticism isn’t an ancient practice that’s relegated to a select few. No. Mysticism is your birthright and a part of your unique Spiritual DNA and blueprint that only you can turn on, strengthen, and live from.
Ignite your mystical identity!
About Your Master Teacher

Reverend Dr. Coco Stewart, a founding member of the Agape International Spiritual Center, was a part of the original Vision Core, which met in 1986 and out of which Agape emerged. An ordained minister for over 20 years, she has practiced and lived the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition of spirituality for many years, Rev. Coco is a gifted teacher in Agape’s accredited classes. Each class is saturated with the results of her own inner work and thirty years of private practice as a licensed prayer practitioner. Rev. Coco is the current director of Agape’s One From The Heart pastoral care ministry.