Agape International Spiritual Center
26th Annual Sacred Service Saturday
June 29th, 2019

Dear Ones,
This year's Sacred Service Saturday could not be convened at a more critical time. We are, literally, besieged by the almost daily news of acts of violence borne out of the misguided beliefs of hatred, bigotry and ultimately, the false sense of separation from each other and Spirit.
Sacred Service Saturday calls us to a higher vibration of being. As we go out to do our volunteer projects throughout the Greater Los Angeles community, as well as around the country and world via our Satel-Lights, we are sending a message to the Universe that the Beloved Community, as envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., can be made real through our conscious commitment to be of service to others.
Also, as a spiritual community, we get to experience the enrichment of building deep bonds with each other as we serve together on this special day.
Ultimately, as this year's theme declares: "Love Wins!"
As in past years, Sacred Service Saturday will offer a large variety of wonderful service projects! However, given Agape’s new location at the Saban, instead of meeting at Agape first, this year, we will meet at our assigned project sites. Project service times and schedules will be determined by our service project hosts. After your service is complete, we encourage you to share your experience with the project sites, each other and on social media with photos and videos.
Please review the service projects here and sign up early! Everyone must be assigned to a service project in advance, as we are unable to assign people to projects on the day of service. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation!
In Los Angeles, register here or if you are outside of Los Angeles and want to do a Sacred Service Saturday project in your home town, email [email protected].
Remember, when we show up in love, hearts are healed, lives are changed, and the world is better because of it. Your Sacred Service Saturday experience makes a critical difference for our planet. Because of your "YES!”, Love Wins!

To all participants:
Projects are assigned on a first come/first gets-to-serve basis.
This year, we will meet at our assigned project sites, unless otherwise directed by your project leader.
Project descriptions are indicated as given to us at the time of posting but are subject to change. Please help our team by being open and flexible. We will do our very best to help you find your perfect place to be of service.
Bring your lunch unless otherwise informed. If you bring your lunch, consider a "zero waste" approach. Bringing re-useable containers, utensils, cloth napkins etc, and leaving no trace behind, demonstrates our love for the planet and puts our practice into service.
Please be on time for your project
Please wear clothes you can get dirty and, for most projects, closed toed shoes.
Please be aware that projects, particularly clean-up projects, outdoor projects and those involving animals, may include encounters with insects, rodents, reptiles and other living beings.
Please be aware that all projects will include encounters with human beings.
You are not considered to be “there in Spirit” unless you are “there in Body.” Spirit will be there in Spirit. If you sign up, please show up!!
David Silverstein, ALSP, Director, Sacred Service Saturday
Co-Director CommonUnity Ministries
Angie Craig, Logistics Director, Sacred Service Saturday
Co-Director CommonUnity Ministries