2020 Spring Silent Meditation Retreat

Let’s Begin Again: From History to Mystery
Let’s start with the Truth: Before time began, you existed as a perfect Spiritual idea. You are dimensionless beings, an eternal Spiritual idea birthed straight from the Mind of the Infinite.
However, you are here to move from history to mystery with the awareness that the Limitless Love Intelligence that is your true nature is always seeking to express Itself through you.
Just as the Infinite presence birthed everything out of Itself with no diminishment of Itself, and continues to manifest as us, as our lives, moment by moment, you can birth a new of yourself—if you let go of your primary identity of being your history, your past.
This Spring, Let’s Begin Again
At Agape’s 2020 Spring Silent Meditation Retreat with Michael Bernard Beckwith, you will discover that you are much more than what has happened to you in your past. Your interpretation or perception of your past may be rooted around a sense of separation from the Presence. So we create all kinds of beliefs based in lack, limitation, and not-enough-ness, which out-pictures as our experience.
But not you. Not here. Not now.
Through meditation, we expand our perception and realize that this is not fundamentally true, that what we are experiencing is a function of our limited point of view.
During this springtime meditative respite of reflection and renewal, you will practice the moment-by-moment of coming into the deep stillness and silence, the solitude within your own awareness, so you can discern the difference between the limited thought-forms passing through us that is often based on the interpretation of the past from your essential and Real Self.
Once you begin to have this kind of insight, the nowness of this moment breaks through as inspiration, love, peace, joy, harmony, and freedom.
And in your moment of freedom you’ll discover your ability to choose from the old, historical identity that was reacting primarily to external circumstances, or from the higher frequency of your authentic Self, regardless of the condition.
This means you’ll have the freedom to be able to:
- Choose peace when calamity is all around you.
- Choose the feeling tone of abundance when there’s an appearance of lack.
- Choose the awareness of Love when there is a condition of negation.
- Exercise your power to have a direct encounter with an entirely different reality that reveals itself moment-by-moment.
Something wonderful is trying to happen through you right now! It’s not going to come through your past, your history, or the way you used to look at yourself. It is going to come through the Eternal, the new You, your Real identity. Meditation is the practice that clears the way for this conscious re-connection.
Join Us! Don’t miss your opportunity to dive into the mystery of your greater yet to be!
(Registration closes April 7th)
When: Thursday, May 21st at 2:00PM – Saturday, May 23rd at 1:00PM
Where: Royal Way Spiritual Center, Lucerne Valley, CA
Price: Overnight Double Occupancy $695 per person (two people per room; includes overnight accommodations, all meals and program)
Overnight General Occupancy $560 per person (three or more people per room; includes overnight accommodations, all meals and program)
There are no single rooms or commuter options available at this Retreat.
Registration is open through April 7th.
Meals: All meals are plant-based and mostly organic.
For questions concerning payment, including our special Retreat payment plan, or to register by phone, please call 310-348-1260, x1611.
Royal Way Spiritual Center aka “The Ranch” offers retreats at its secluded 900-acre ranch located in California’s pristine high desert in Lucerne Valley, and is a place for quiet spiritual contemplation. You will find meditation sites throughout the Ranch, each offering privacy, seclusion, and a distinctive setting. Some are set within colorful gardens or beside ponds and a tumbling stream. Others are open to the sky amid our vast high-desert landscape. Trails lead to a magnificent terraced-stone meditation site and a medicine wheel on the nearby Healing Hill.
The spiritual work of the Royal Way community extends to maintaining and caring for landscaped parks, intimate flower gardens, a lush lawn, a grape arbor, two organic fruit orchards, a spring-fed stream, and three ponds. These provide a variety of serene settings for spiritual/religious meditation and contemplation. The Ranch is a true desert oasis, landscaped to enhance the inner journey.