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From New Thought to New Living: Activate your Inner Brilliance!
A 5-week foundational course that will anchor, support, strengthen, and expand your Spiritual practice and understanding of timeless principles and wisdom. The Roots of Agape is for anyone who is new or familiar with New Thought/Ageless Wisdom teachings. It is for anyone who desires to deepen his or her understanding of Spiritual teachings and principles that transcend time and are rooted in many cultural and religious traditions.
If there ever was a time to be in community, now would be it.
Look around you.
We are in unprecedented and mercurial times, and there isn’t too much to grab hold to in the world that will bring about a sense of security, stability, and grounding. Everything and everyone is in a constant state of flux and unpredictability. Tempers are flaring. Fear is running rampant. Patience and understanding seem to be nonexistent. And everyone in some way believes he or she knows what is best. You may be wondering how much longer will all of this continue, and if there are any signs of a respite or relief from the chaos. And you’re likely feeling and realizing the truth in the age-old adage: The one thing that is certain and constant is change. These times are changing everything for all of us, in ways we never fully considered, yet in some way and on many levels, we knew what we all needed.
But there is something that isn’t altered by time, space, or circumstance. There is something that is eternal. Something that is felt and experienced, even in chaos, if we only pause long enough to see it. To witness it. To behold it. To surrender to it. To be one with it.
There is something that is eternal. Lasting. Uncompromised. Unchanging. Unbought. Yet, readily available to and for anyone who tunes into it.
This something is what you have emerged from and ultimately, will return to. This something walks with you in the chaos and low moments and is the very essence that holds it all. This something is Love – Agape Love.
Love? Yes, love. But not so much in the way many have come to know it. The love we are speaking of here is the love that is threaded in all the ancient and new thought wisdom teachings. The love that the indigenous and mystics have long spoke of and taught about and that they knew can only truly be experienced. The love that is threaded in all of life itself. The love that is at the core of the foundation, heart, and teachings of the Agape International Spiritual Center.
In The Roots of Agape, Rev. Cynthia Ambriz, ordained minister and licensed Agape spiritual counselor, will guide you into a deeper discourse, understanding, and awareness of love, not just in definition but in application.
In this foundational Agape University course, you will learn of the teachers and masters whose message on forgiveness and love have shaped the mission and vision of Agape International Spiritual Center, closely examining Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith’s vision, spiritual influences and contemporaries who also carry the torch of Love. This experiential course will build upon your current and previous understanding of spiritual principles while emphasizing the golden thread that links all the religions and spiritual teachings together.
This course is for you if you:
- Are new (and maybe even familiar) to the conversation of new thought wisdom teachings and metaphysics, and are looking for a space to question, unlearn, discover, and activate greater expressions of your spiritual nature
- Desire an authentic, spiritual community to thrive and grow with – a community that sees you as you truly are and supports you in awakening to your God self
- Are curious on the origins of Agape International Spiritual Center and its mission and focus as a spiritual community centered on oneness
- Crave greater stability, commitment to, and an expansion of your spiritual practice
The Roots of Agape will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT starting Tuesday, November 16, 2021, and ending Tuesday, December 21, 2021.
There is nothing new under the sun. Love is an eternal truth whose hand has been felt and seen since the beginning of time. The way the message is delivered may change, but the content remains the same. From Yeshua (or Jesus) to Gautama the Buddha to Akhenaten to Ernest Holmes to Mahatma Gandhi to Mother Teresa to Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, love has been and continues to be the one changeless constant in an unforgiving and ever-changing world.
Get rooted into the eternal nature, teachings, and principle of Agape and enroll today.
Required Books:
- Healing Without Medicine: From Pioneers to Modern Practice, by Albert Amao, PhD
- The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe, by Glenn Clark
- The Man Who Talks with the Flowers-The Intimate Life Story of Dr. George Washington Carver, by Glenn Clark
Recommended Book:
Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential, by Michael Bernard Beckwith.
About Your Instructor

Rev. Cynthia Ambriz has spent the last 25 years studying Metaphysics and Spirituality and how it all ties into healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She holds degrees as a New Thought Minister from The Michael B. Beckwith School of Ministry and is a Licensed Spiritual Counselor through The Agape International Spiritual Center. She also holds a degree as a Master Certified Trainer of the Energy Codes as taught by Dr. Sue Morter and is a B.E.S.T. Practitioner (Bio Energetics Synchronization Technique) through Morter Institute. Cynthia also has a thriving spiritual counseling practice through which she employs all she has learned during her own journey of healing and enjoys seeing her clients heal, grow and transform as they access their own magnificence.