Give Possibility A Chance For A Change

I invite us all to enter a festival within our own soul, one that is eternally fresh, where we can touch and taste the very star stuff out of which we have been made. Where we can choose to initiate new beginnings in our life structures, to bring our potential into its ultimate flowering and express the divinity of existence.

Resting in the infinite potential of pure Spirit I reveal a greater version of myself!

Harmonizing Good orchestrates everything in my life!

I am one with the One, whole, complete and perfect!

Expanded consciousness is mine! I am becoming what I am meant to be!

Healing, harmony, wholeness and joy are my birthright fully expressed in love!

This is the truth of my Being! Gratefully I let it be! And so it is Amen!

Give Possibility A Chance For A Change

You must embrace the Truth that you’re on a quest to shatter mediocre comfort zones! To live on the edge of greater discovery and to let the power of renewal and expansion be your vibration!
So pray, meditate, love, forgive, and give in to the pattern of excellence that is your very being.

The Presence of God is always present as me!

The imprint of excellence is on me! Body, mind and spirit!

Everything is working together for my good! I see it and I call it forth!

I suspend my disbelief and soar in the true brilliance of my being!

I give as it has been given to me. Good, measure, pressed down and running over!

In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!

Give Possibility A Chance For A Change

With unhindered power flowing on your behalf, you’ll experience the miracle of sacred success and the power of renewal and regeneration. You will encounter a continual rebirthing into greater expressions of your real Self. You will be born again and again into higher dimensions of your being-ness! A seeming loss will turn into a blessing of renewal and you’ll live a life of continued growth in service, generosity, creativity, and more.

My life is the perfect Unfoldment of a Divine idea!

The resurrected Christ consciousness is alive as me!

I encounter higher dimensions of love, peace, joy and abundance!

Spiritual truth is revealed through my Spiritual practice!

Health and wholeness express through me as me!

In all things I am grateful!

And so it is! Amen!

Give Possibility A Chance For A Change

Your life is full to overflowing with limitless potential. When you accept that you are living a quest for excellence while being on the edge of expanding your consciousness, then the energy of the progressive Universe is not hindered and true manifestation of wholeness in all areas of your life comes to fruition.

I am ready for the next great version of my life to be revealed!

Ideas, insights and all things possible consciousness carry me on my way!

My abundance flows from my oneness with God!

My body temple maintains and sustains vibrant health and well-being!

My ever expanding consciousness shines the light and shows my way!

And so it is! Amen!

Rise Up To Meet Your Miracle

Do you seek how to make yourself free, or how to be free from yourself? Contemplating the difference is an interesting revelation of our motive for entering the spiritual path. After all, enlightenment is not a commodity to be coerced into one’s consciousness. It is not a quantity of something, it is a quality of being yearning to be discovered and expressed in, through and as you. In our fast-paced society, if we aren’t scrambling to attain or possess something, we label ourselves as lazy. However, when we live in a consciousness of trust, knowing that an invisible hand is always taking us in the right direction, we are serene, creatively active yet patient.

I am constantly becoming all that God knows me to be!
The realm of ever expanding good is my dwelling place!
Radical amazement is my natural state of being!
All of my relationships are created in Spirit and revealed in love!
God thoughts and God shots express as my work and play!
Every aspect of my life is healed and whole!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!