Most of us are certain that we have experienced some degree of love, be it with a life partner, our children, parents, siblings, friends, God, our spiritual teachers, animal companions. Although love itself is an invisible energy, it feels tangible when we feel it directed towards us and when we direct it towards others. This is love experienced as a noun, a “something” labeled love. The ultimate form of love, however, is a verb. It is a state of being love itself, the essence of our true nature.
The power, presence and love of God live in the midst of me.
I am fully connected to the vast and abundant love of the universe.
My body is the temple of the living God, whole, complete and perfect.
Divine insight frees me from fear and doubt and worry.
The starting point in all my relationships is Self-love.
Gratefully and gracefully I live these words of truth.
And So It Is! Amen!
The opposite of freedom is bondage. Freedom is birthed in awakened consciousness, while bondage is rooted is unconsciousness. There is no evil in our world, only unconsciousness of one’s true nature. When we take the responsibility for cultivating our true Self, we break the ties that bind us to the illusions of who and what we falsely think we are. We all have aspects of self of which we are more conscious than others. The more we clarify consciousness through our daily spiritual practices, the more we awaken our potential for self-realization.
The presence of God resides in the sanctuary of my soul.
Cosmic ideas take form and grow in the garden of my consciousness.
The order, harmony and beauty of God are forever expanding within me.
My wholeness is based on my oneness with God.
I am abundantly fueled and funded by the grace of pure Spirit.
True gratitude is my constant companion.
And so it is! Amen!
I want you to wake up today! If you believe that you will be complete after you find the right relationship, the better job, the bigger house, that hotter investment, the accomplishment of a particular goal, you are asleep in the human dream of maya, which is the sleep of human delusion. Any such fulfillment is only temporary. The quest of looking for wholeness outside of yourself is not the way it works. It’s an inside job!
My life is the life of God radiantly and fully expressed!
The power of this awareness sets me free to be me!
All of my relationships are shot through with love and peace!
Well-being and being well is my way of life!
God by means of me anchors true abundance and permanent prosperity!
These loving words are the law of my life!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
Peace is a quality of the Spirit that is everywhere present. Peace as a dynamic harmony is what you are called to reveal first within your own consciousness, and then in your world. Thoughts and actions born of the inner peace of your soul are in alignment with the Laws of the Universe.
A current of prayerful energy carries me always!
Happiness is the essential nature of my being!
My body temple is living proof of divine health and wholeness!
God’s grace is my sufficiency and my supply!
I am a spiritual being, a planetary citizen, and a revolutionary of love!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
Today, continue to nourish your dreams. Hold fast to your vision and do something everyday to bring it into manifestation. Everything is possible in God because God is the Infinite Possibility within everything. Know that you are God’s beloved in whom God is well pleased. Never give up on yourself.
I am a cosmic idea forever becoming my true self!
Magnificence is the starting point for everything I do!
The great love and law of God orders my actions!
My life is a sacred practice of abundance and gratitude!
Joy is! I am! Peace is! I am! God is! I am!
And so it is! Amen!