What fruits are you harvesting in your life? Do you harvest peace, love, compassion, abundance? Do you find yourself with an abundance of things to be grateful for? Your answers to these types of questions are a genuine method for understanding whether you have matured spiritually or whether you are still grappling with circumstances. The spiritually mature don’t wait for circumstances to change before they allow themselves to be happy. Rather they choose to see the beauty and the perfection in life as it is and give great thanks for it now.
God is the essence, the activity and the love of my life!
Useful and creative patterns are awakened in my willing mind!
Abundance, peace and joy are God’s will and my way!
Health, wholeness and healing are expressed as my body temple right now!
My life reflects the light of God and reveals heaven on earth!
The spirit of gratitude generates blessings in my living and my giving!
Joyfully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
With dominion over your attention, you experience the true meaning of freedom which is more than merely experiencing a release from the thought form habits of worry, doubt, fear, dis-ease, discomfort and disharmony. Authentic dominion over your consciousness is the ability to freely express, in your own way, the deep, mystical chords of spiritual realization and divine creativity. From dominion, you move into the space of full-on living that characterizes the habits practiced in the lives of highly evolved people.
Wild enthusiasm charges every activity of my life!
I am stark raving glad, God, loving and divine!
The financial energy of the universe flows freely through me!
I am a generous and generative being!
The high calling of Christ consciousness resounds in my awareness!
I am a sacred servant of God’s perfect plan!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
During the holiday season, when the collective mind of humanity centers on celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, there is a potent vibration sensitizing and accelerating our individual ability to yield to the inner call of the Christ Consciousness. Take advantage of this potency and use it to give birth to your own Christ-self.
The divine light of the Christ Consciousness illumines every aspect of my being!
New horizons of infinite possibilities inspire me from glory to greater glory!
My individual life has meaning and I am a beneficial presence on this planet!
God is my health! God is my wealth! God is my everything!
My whole wonder-filled life is a prayer of praise and thanksgiving!
This is the time of the awakened Christ within me!
So be it! Amen!
This universal Christ-energy is not manifest on the planet only during a specific time of year or when a specific awakened being graced the planet. Its timelessness permeates every speck of space, every man, woman and child, all existence. Each and every day it is present to remind us of our countless blessings as spiritual beings having a human incarnation. And especially to accelerate our innate capacity to birth and awakened state of being in the cradle of consciousness.
God’s universe is a friendly place! I am safe!
Spontaneous goodness flows from my utter reliance on Spirit!
My heart extends through my hands. I am in service to divine love!
High, inspired thoughts of God are the guiding angels on my path!
I am immersed in a field of infinite possibilities and unlimited potential!
Mighty miracles demonstrate through my ever-evolving consciousness!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
When we meditate and pray we are following in the footsteps of the Master Teacher and all true lovers of Spirit who fully realized their unbreakable oneness with Spirit. Reading in the writings of mystics across all traditions about the rapturous energies that consumed them while communing with Spirit, we are transported into a realm of Divine Love that sets our souls on fire, that awakens within us a hunger for the Divine Beloved to sit at our table and sup with us. To hand feed us the truth of our eternal union.
I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness!
The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me!
A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body temple!
The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my relationships!
I am forever expanding, forever evolving, forever revealing God!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!