Every day I see how Spirit shows its greatness to us in the great dance of the universe - Spirit and Nature spinning together throughout the cosmos to the music of the Aum vibration. Just as the mother aspect of God reveals itself as cosmic wisdom. We all possess these qualities in our soul consciousness. That which we call our finite self and infinite self are one and the same, quietly awaiting our inner awakening to the truth that it's all God.
I am available to the loving presence of pure Spirit!
I am a joyful willing instrument for God to reveal Itself!
All of my needs are met, in time, on time and every time!
God got me right from the beginning!
Joyfully I anchor the fundamental harmony of the universe on earth!
This is true as my life now! And so it is! Amen!
So many individuals are trying to change their lives by changing others, or they try to change their experience while they themselves remain the same. But when you step into the awareness that you are here to embrace your evolutionary awakening, you become spiritual nobility. You are the king and queen ruling your world with dignity, peace, love, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, gratitude, surrender and humility.
The fullness of life flows through me with ease and grace!
I am supported by a friendly universe! All of my needs are met!
All of my relationships are founded and grounded in unconditional love!
Serenity is the truth of my Beingness! I live it fully!
I am an instrument for God to reveal abundance!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
We must train ourselves to “see” that abundance is everywhere. We must fill our mind with the spiritual idea that plentitude is the nature of the universe and let go of thoughts of lack and limitation that have the tendency to out-picture as the experience of not having what we need. Furthermore, we must come to recognize that a real need is always the birth of our hidden potential in actual expression.
All of my needs are met! A fountain of good flows through me as me!
Joyfully I rise above the fray of human experience!
I am a fully franchised expression of God!
My body temple reflects and reveals the order of the universe!
My relationships are centered in love and expressed with ease and grace!
In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
When time of spiritual dryness fall upon you, when prayer or meditation seems beyond your reach, remember that the Spirit does not exclude a personal, intimate relationship with the Ineffable. Turn to that which is closer than the closest, nearer than the nearest, more loving than all things loved. You will be overwhelmed by the grace of God. Although the Godhead is beyond that which can be described, it rushes into your experience as an intimate handmaiden to your transformation.
The fullness of life flows through me with ease and grace!
I have enough because I am enough!
I am a fully franchised expression of God!
Harmony, health, wholeness and right action are my constant companions!
My life flows from my oneness with God!
In grace and gratitude I let it be!
And so it is! Amen!
Today let us remember that prosperity is a mental / spiritual state of being that knows that all needs are met in an abundant manner. This state of awareness carries a liberating vibration of being, rather than a limiting vibration of possessing. It recognizes that abundance, wealth, plentitude is of the spiritual realm and is freely given and must be freely accepted. When accepted, the manifestation of "our daily bread" has the tendency to reveal itself with more ease.
The potency and power of pure Spirit fuels me, body, mind and Spirit!
Health and wholeness are my natural way of being!
I am one with God and all of my needs are met!
Abundance flows to me and as me! Graciously I receive! Joyfully I give!
I am becoming the next great version of myself!
In all things I am grateful!
In gratitude I let it be! And so it is! Amenl