Limitless Living: The Only Way To Fly

You have a soul-adventure that was implanted in your consciousness
before you incarnated into this lifetime. Gently, and sometimes not so
gently, it knocks at the door of your intuition attempting to get your
attention, beckoning you to fulfill your soul-adventure in the three-
dimensional world. It is through our spiritual practices that we
intuitively catch Spirit’s vision of that adventure. Then, like a time
release capsule, it begins to take effect.

I am available to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet!

The universal law of cosmic good is always working in my life!

The idea that God planted in my soul is emerging with grace and ease!

I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what!

Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence!

These words of affirmation are grounded in truth and founded in

And so it is! Amen!

Limitless Living: The Only Way To Fly

Soul-adventuring has nothing to do with preconstructed maps. Exotic retreats or pilgrimages won’t get you to your soul’s destination any more than the holy trinity of Travelocity, Expedia or Kayak. Your soul-adventure is about entering the innermost recesses of your being with Spirit as your ultimate guide into the unknown. and all you need to pack is the innocence, receptivity and vulnerability of a child. Then, like a true spiritual warrior, you will dare to leave the forest of familiarity and courageously enter the unchartered territory of an adventure in consciousness.

I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness!

The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me!

A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body

The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my

I am forever expanding, forever evolving, forever revealing God!

Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen! 

Limitless Living: The Only Way To Fly

Life boldly confronts us through change, and change refreshingly leads us into a sense of awe and spontaneous joy when we behold Spirit’s vision for us unfolding right before our inner and outer eyes. Past and future dissolve and we delight in the present moment. Spirit’s moment. By not creating any barriers to that perfection, we become a passageway through which Spirit may work as something new is created. Let us together celebrate that newness with the utmost gratitude.

My life is lived in full participation with the Infinite!

All my relations match the high vibration of unconditional love!

Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness!

Perfect health is my conversation, my affirmation and my

I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me!

Vision, infinite potential and unlimited possibilities are the fuels that
drive my life!

Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen! 

Your Ship Is Coming In! Oops, Did You Send One Out?

In our speedy society, we have forgotten how to wait. We want everything now, forgetting the beautiful instruction from Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…” We can even use our spiritual practice of meditation to attempt forcing enlightenment; affirmative prayer for speeding up the desired results of that for which we pray; Life Visioning for imagination rather than intuition. When we are free from the desperation of “now,” then the gap between where we find ourselves and where we want to be dissolves. When we possess the patience to “wait upon the Lord” —Lord being the Great Law of Life—grace is the result. Patience is humble. Its handmaiden is trust—the trust that grace will manifest at precisely the right time.

God lives in my heart and loves as my life!

The vitalizing energy of pure Spirit renews my body temple!

My life bears witness to the miraculous nature of God!

I am abundantly grateful and gratefully abundant!

The Christ consciousness is resurrected in me today!

This is a good beginning! And so it is! Amen!

Your Ship Is Coming In! Oops, Did You Send One Out?

Spirit limitlessly pours boundless kosmic grace upon all existence, without
exception. It has no expiration date and never runs out. Spirit’s grace comes to
us as a vibratory energy, and it is absolutely possible to tap into its frequency.
Having the patience of a spiritual scientist is the key! This means that we don’t
push our agenda, our mental construct of a “due date.”

God’s will for my life releases me and sets me free!

I am a grounding point for miraculous energy to express!

My life is an adventure in Spiritual growth and unfoldment!

I am filled to overflowing with the good of God!

High thoughts of health and beauty manifest as my body temple!

Gratitude and appreciation light my path and show the way!

And so it is! Amen!