The Greeks have a beautiful term: Kosmos, spelled with a “K,” which defines the sum total of Reality which includes yet goes beyond the physical dimension of the cosmos to the dimensions of the invisible realms of Existence. When exploring the mysteries of the cosmos, physical scientists work with external instruments such as telescopes from which they can collect empirical evidence for their theories. The spiritual scientist, however, works with inner instruments such as the telescope of meditation, affirmative prayer, and Life Visioning to tap
directly into the mystical revelations of the kosmos, including its vibratory dimension of grace.
The glory of the divine speaks itself into expression as me!
Only the thoughts of God have a place in my awareness!
The high vibration of willingness dissolves all resistance!
I am available for the plentitude of the universe to shine through me!
My actions reveal beauty, order, patience and balance!
Gratefully I embrace the Spirit within me and express it freely and fully!
So be it! Amen.
Are you free enough to allow the new into your consciousness, or are you living from past conditioning that tells you what you must do in order to live in safety and security? Not reacting from the past, not reacting out of fear of the future, we learn to respond to Life just as it is. We learn the power of being in the new moment filled with self-trust, with confidence in the fundamental Goodness of Spirit. Freedom comes from awareness, awareness comes from meditation—they are interdependent.
I am here to reflect and reveal cosmic consciousness!
The bounty of Spirit breaks forth through me as all needs met!
The soulful vibration of love invites whole relationships into my life!
My mind overflows with divine ideas and positive possibilities!
Wonder and awe, beauty and sacredness are the atmosphere of my Beingness!
Hanging out in a field of thanksgiving, I continue where God left off!
And so it is! Amen!
There is a paradox about freedom: All beings possess freedom of choice, yet few are actually free enough to choose. Most individuals do not make choices from a consciousness of genuine freedom. Instead, they are dictated by ego, psychological and emotional mindsets, parental, religious, and societal conditioning. By not realizing how we are enslaved by habitual patterns, we remain unaware of the basis from which we make choices.
I am led by the spirit of the living God within me!
Pillars of light and love support all that I am and all that I am becoming!
Bowing my head to my heart I rise up in true compassion!
Carried on a wave of potent potential I am affluent, effulgent, joyous and free!
My life is a song of praise and thanksgiving!
I see it! I decree it! And I am willing to be it!
And so it is! Amen!
The mystical magnetism of Agape Love ceaselessly courts us, drawing us into its magnetic field through the various forms of human love we experience with parents, siblings, lovers, spouses and partners, our children and friends, leading us to Love’s Source: Pure Spirit. The moment we surrender to its gravitational pull, we are transfigured. Love is the ultimate religion. When tasting its flavour, we enter the realm of mystical lovers. We become Love, allowing it to flow in, as, and through us. Such joy! Such bliss!
My life is backed by a mighty wave of God consciousness!
Excellence is seeking to express through me! I let it!
High thoughts of health and wholeness manifest as my body temple!
My relationships reveal a joint participation with divine love!
The bright sunshine of my own being lights my path and shows my way!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
Our interactions with others contribute to revealing the facets of love that we have yet to cultivate. We discover that loving a particular individual requires that we cultivate the love-expression of forgiveness, while another person teaches us patience, kindness, generosity, or compassion. A fundamental characteristic of Agape Love’s fruitage is the
ability to see that there is no separation between ourselves and others because we directly realize that every being is a branch from the same sacred Tree of Life.
The sacred presence of Spirit expresses in through and as me!
New ideas flow through me! Insights unfold within me!
My relations form around the power of my loving heart!
The source and substance of my supply is limitless!
God is great and I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!