Your Destiny Transcends Density

Just as the Divine Feminine in the form of a human mother forever prays in her heart for her beloved child, so does the Cosmic Mother keep written in her heart every prayer you have ever whispered from your secret soul into the universe.

This utterly tender aspect of Spirit is experienced by those who turn to it with the trusting abandon of a child to its mother. So when times of spiritual dryness fall upon you, when formal prayer seems beyond your reach, remember to turn to the sanctuary within your soul and let the Cosmic Mother bathe you in her grace, her all-embracing, unconditional love. You will be overwhelmed by her constant availability. And on this you may rely: Although the Cosmic Mother is beyond description, She will rush into your experience as a most intimate handmaiden to your healing and transformation.

God leads, guides, directs and protects me now and always!

The gifts of my divinity are stirred into activity and express fully!

Blessings flow forth from the high vibration of my willingness!

God is the breath of my breath and the bone of my bone; I am whole,
complete and perfect!

Today, I bathe my consciousness in the unconditional, comforting love
of the Cosmic Mother!

Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen! 

Your Destiny Transcends Density

Lately I’ve found myself thinking about the word “yes,” which comes from the Old English meaning “may it be so.” It’s a short, simple word whose full meaning and impact can easily be overlooked. And yet when we stand before Life in the full monty of yes, we are trusting the intelligence, the fundamental goodness of the Universe. Test this the next time you say yes and see how it is accompanied by an inner relaxation, an exhalation into “and so it is, and I let it be.” In the busyness of the day, even with the best of intentions, it’s sometimes challenging to repeat an entire affirmation, but a mantra of “Yes!” can say it all.
Let’s join together and put our collective energy into yes. Let’s get in tune with it and let it pour over our being.

Wild enthusiasm charges every activity of my life!

I am stark raving glad, God, loving and divine!

The financial energy of the universe flows freely through me!

I am a generous and generative being!

The high calling of Christ consciousness resounds in my awareness!

I am a sacred servant of God’s perfect plan!

Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen! 

The Renewing Power of Your Sacred Quest

As I contemplate current world events—which simply can’t be ignored or bypassed—these words of Jesus the Christ come to me, “Cut off from the vine, you can do nothing.”  How clearly he describes the connectivity of our world family, how what happens in the West vibrationally impacts the East, the North and South, and vice versa.  And yet we continue to create and believe in artificially created manmade borders. Nevertheless, there is good  news:  there being no separation between souls, compassion, love, peace and kindness boundlessly spread far beyond our prayer mat to all beings with whom we share the planet.  And that is why I encourage us all to pray like we’ve never prayed before, to love like we’ve never loved before as our gift, our blessing upon the world and all sentient beings.

I am an emanation from God bringing heaven to earth!

An ever increasing awareness of gratitude opens my eyes and
multiplies my good!

I walk in the no complaint zone of God consciousness!

Love is the common thread weaving my life together!

The high vibration of perfect wholeness renews my body temple!

This is the real me! And so I let it be! Amen!

The Renewing Power of Your Sacred Quest

The resurrection of the great master teacher, Jesus the Christ, revealed that consciousness does not know death. That is why on a daily basis we can rise in consciousness to a resurrected life, a life transformed in body, mind, and spirit. Our spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and life visioning saturate our consciousness with the stuff out of which we were made—cosmic energy—and this energy can be consciously directed.

The glory of the living God is resurrected in me today!

Spirit divine springs forth as my perfect health and wholeness!

A new field of possibilities emerges in my awareness and manifests as my experience!

Infinite opportunities blossom in the field of my receptive

The true spirit of Easter enlivens my heart, restores my soul and
delights me in every way!

In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!

The Renewing Power of Your Sacred Quest

Authentic freedom cannot be described as being political, financial, physical, mental or religious, for in their highest definition these categories represent various states of outer independence rather than inner freedom. As world events have proven throughout human history, all of these external structures can and do change without notice. The singular, changeless reality of being is that each of has been born out of and as the very essence of freedom itself: Spirit.

The full power of the divine dwells within me!

God’s good overflows the banks of my present paradigm!

The genius of my being restores my body and renews my mind!

Fulfillment is my identity, my charge and my destiny!

I stand in pure gratitude, glee and ecstasy!

What a joy it is to be free! And so it is! Amen!