Where do we find the courage to remain present in the face of the unknown, the unpredictable, the uncontrollable—to this thing called Life? Courage is not the absence or denial of fear; it is facing fear and surrendering to the gifts it offers: to change when change is needed, to embrace the unknown in spite of our fears and insecurities. We can actually begin to welcome such opportunities to become better acquainted with ourselves.
I am a divine idea bursting into expression! Whole, complete and perfect!
Today I joyfully exercise my right to shine!
Vibrations of greatness and enthusiasm under gird my life!
Thoughts of health and wholeness revitalize my body temple!
I am a creative, innovative and elevated expression of God!
Abundance blesses every aspect of my life!
I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
When we give our unconditional commitment to wake up, come what may, it gives us a taste of genuine freedom of living now—right here, right now, on the spot where we now stand. Heaven is happening right where we are, right in the midst of challenges as well as joys and we accept both as lights on our path.
Today I expand my perception, change my direction and set myself free!
I am the embodiment of God sourced energy. Whole, complete and perfect!
Abundance is always trending and never ending as my life! I thrive!
Bursts of enthusiasm and blasts of God’s love propel me! I soar!
Everything is working together for my good! I can feel it in my bones!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!
Instead of resisting life’s unavoidable irritations or praying that they be removed from our life, we can choose to see their higher purpose as rich material for our ongoing, inner growth and transformation. Irritants show us where our ego is acting out, where we self-righteously blame outside sources and events for our circumstances. If we would just slow down long enough to give more mindful attention to those “irritants,” we could actually become grateful for how life’s simple, everyday happenings are invaluable opportunities for us to wake up.
Today I move from my storyline to my vision sublime!
Excuses go and I glow with the glory of God!
Excellence is the starting point for everything I do!
Friendships, soulships and right relationships are mine today!
My attitude of plentitude is my source and my supply!
In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
Inspired intentionality comes to us during those measureless gaps when, in our meditations, visioning, or affirmative prayers, time stops and we catch inspiration directly from the intuitive faculty of the heart. From this inspired state of consciousness, we stand at the choice-point for setting and activating consciousness-expanding, life-enhancing intentions. And the more we do so, the more we can access inspiration even during the ordinary activities of our day.
I walk in the empowering awareness that I am one with God!
A whole new vision of infinite possibilities greets me every day!
My body temple vibrates at the high frequency of health and wholeness!
Divine ideas cascade in my consciousness and express as all my needs met!
The dynamic call of greatness is upon me! I respond!
In grace and gratitude, I let it be. And so it is! Amen!
It is said that the Cosmic Mother keeps written in her heart every prayer you have ever whispered from your secret soul into the universe. This utterly tender aspect of Spirit's mothering energy is always available to those who turn to it with the trusting abandon of a child to its mother.
I like to think of the mothering energy of Spirit as another name for Unconditional Love. Independent of giving physical birth to a child, we all possess the qualities of a mother's heart which, just as does the Cosmic Mother, nurtures every form of relationship—life partner, child, friend, student, neighbor, colleague, animal companions, those in need including complete strangers—with the compassion, the grace, the tenderness of a mother’s heart. We can all bend a knee of gratitude before the unconditional mothering energy of Spirit.
The Great Cosmic Mother Divine inspires unconditional love in my life!
Spontaneous goodness rises up in me and expresses through me!
Infinite wisdom informs my choices and decisions!
A constant, consistent stream of abundance is my source and supply!
Heaven is anchored on earth through my thoughts, words and actions!
The divine feminine essence of God reveals its grace as me today and always!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!