On How To Live the Surrendered Life -- Hints: Intention - Practice - Levity

At times it may feel like we’re walking a high wire, attempting to maintain our balance between knowing if what we’re about to do or say is coming from our inner guidance system or from our ego. It’s so easy to use high consciousness language to convince ourselves that we’re attuned to our Higher Self. It can be quite subtle. Nevertheless, as we deepen our meditation practice, affirmative prayer, and inner reflection, we begin to discern these subtleties and become more spiritually mature. This is how we touch the gold that never stops shining and let go of the fool’s gold that the outer world would have us chase.

Today I walk in trust! Grace is my constant companion!

Opportunities and possibilities greet me everywhere I go!

Health, beauty and wholeness express fully as my body temple!

Love is the way, the means and the activity of all my relationships!

My faith is amplified; my potential activated and my prayers realized!

How great God is! How grateful I am! And so it is! Amen!

The Rise and Shine Agreement

When you begin to catch the vision of your spiritual identity as the great I Am Presence, then life and more life will be the order of the day for you. The absolute truth about your essential being is that you are spiritually made in the image and likeness of God. What this means about you, when properly contemplated and realized, is that the larger part of you has never been hurt, harmed or endangered in any way at any time. Neither external nor internal experiences diminish the Essence of your being. Time cannot snuff it out, space cannot engulf it neither in this moment, on this day, or into eternity.

My every activity is infused with the eternal presence of divine love!

A stream of infinite wisdom flows from the God Head to my open mind!

I am constantly lifting up to higher and higher dimensions of Being!

The goodness, the grandness, the graciousness of God is mine today!

My high conversations draw the best out of everyone I meet!

The sweet water of appreciation bathes everything I do!

And So It Is! Amen!

The Rise and Shine Agreement

No energetic for change is more potent than that which begins from the inside out because it is the interior life that activates the law of intentionality. One’s intentions reveal the true desire of the heart. The good news is that those desires that do not serve us in our growth towards enlightenment may be discarded for those which do. As co-creators with the Spirit, we may redirect energy that does not support mindfulness of the Self. It takes a willingness to shift our cherished habits, beliefs, opinions and projections. Yet the moment you catch that the highest desire of your true heart is to live in attunement with the Divine, you unleash its energetic of Grace, easing the way to your ascent in consciousness.

I am available to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet!

The universal law of cosmic good is always working in my life!

The idea that God planted in my soul is emerging with grace and ease!

I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what!

Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence!

These words of affirmation are grounded in truth and founded in gratitude!

And so it is! Amen!

The Rise and Shine Agreement

As we enter into this time of Easter and Passover my heart can’t help but wonder what Jesus would think of our modern-day celebrations—his Passover table was so simple, so intimate and intentional. What I wish for all of us as we gather with our dear ones at home and connect in our spiritual communities is that we resurrect our intention to arise from the tomb of separation and so shine our light of wisdom, of joy and peace upon this world that all beings may join us in a dance of conscious realization of oneness and bring an end to all wars and suffering and thus join heaven and earth.

My life is a glorious celebration of the living Christ!

Today I am reborn in the awareness of my great and mighty destiny! 

Miracles occur in the field of my beholding consciousness!

I am an agent for spiritual advancement on this planet!

My acts of generosity quicken the flow of abundance in my life! 

In the spirit of gratitude, I live these words of truth!  And so it is! Amen!

The Rise and Shine Agreement

It takes a lot of courage to look into the cosmic mirror. We are so big that it is overwhelming to take in, to imagine our true greatness, true beauty, and true enlightened beingness. The great universe in which we live provides constant feedback about our evolutionary process if we choose to look, listen and stop making excuses for postponing our awakening.

My life is lived in full participation with the Infinite!

All my relations match the high vibration of unconditional love!

Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness!

Perfect health is my conversation, my affirmation and my demonstration!

I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me!

Vision, infinite potential and unlimited possibilities are the fuels that drive my life!

Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!